At one point in your life, potentially now, you will be coasting along with your business or career doing just fine with most things working like clock work; however, potential for the next level of growth, whether it be for income, skill, experience, or impact, will be lying asleep inside you waiting to be woken up.

You will feel comfortable and perhaps nothing will be poking at you in annoyance needing to be fixed or maybe the lack of challenge will be a tiny rumbling of a signal to glance in another direction. For the rest of you, the clock may be ticking fast and loud with a presence of urgency that you cannot ignore.

Are you in Your Zone?

Have you ever heard people talk about or seen someone in the zone with what they are doing? Being in the zone is a mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. It is also when they or you are completely absorbed in what you are doing and a state of flow is achieved.

The zone and flow do not equate to comfort and coasting, but rather a balance of skill and challenge where there is a transformation of time and a loss of self consciousness. Being in the zone of what you do for a living is intrinsically motivated.

So now we have talked about the autopilot comfort zone in career, the tiny itch in lack of challenge that may be starting, the loud, fast tick of the clock for those who know its time for a change, and the complete opposite, being in the zone.

Where are you in that spetrum?

Where would you like to be?

Do you need or want more in your business and career or for yourself?

Self Leadership to the Next Level

The next level is not just about climbing up a rung on the ladder or going up, it also refers to the next level of personal and professional growth and self leadership will take you there.

What is self leadership?

Self leadership is the practice of intentionally influencing your thinking, feeling and behaviors to achieve your objective/s. (Bryant & Kazan, 2012)

How do you need to think, feel, and behave to go to the next level?

With the mere setting of an intention to increase your income, develop into a better communicator, lead effective teams, expand your business, grow your service or product offerings, and create more positive impact in your company or community, you will grow in that direction.

The practice of self leadership is a daily commitment to your intention for personal and professional growth.

Lead to the Next Level

What is the next level of growth for you..professionally or personally?

What does the next level mean to you or why do you want it?

Do you believe it is attainable and do you believe you deserve it?

How do you go about leading yourself to the next level in your business, career and life?

Here are a few steps to begin the process of leading yourself to the next level:

  1. Get clear on what the next step or level is for you.
  2. Define the goal you want to achieve with specific details.
  3. Set a time frame to achieve it.
  4. Outline the first few steps to get you started along with some daily or weekly steps you will need to take to get you there.
  5. Line up an accountability partner, a mentor, sponsor, or coach with regular check ins to assist you with your goal
  6. Commit to becoming and growing into the person you need to be in order to go to the next level
  7. Reflect, Review, and Analyze your progress and results monthly to not only keep you on track, but also ensure you are on the right path

Personal Leadership Leads You to the Next Level

It is one thing to have a goal and a plan to go to the next level, but it is a whole other much larger commitment to have a daily discipline of habits that will help you achieve the next level.

If your goal is to lead teams or become a better public speaker or to grow your business, then what are the daily habits you need to do in order to level up? Perhaps you will need to commit to reading ten pages daily on your intended topic for growth, take a course, practice public speaking regularly or volunteer with teams in order to gain new skills.

Going to the next level requires growth, transformation, skill development, networking, and mastery of new abilities you may have never done before.

What are the skills or knowledge you need to gain in order to level up?

How will you commit to the mastery of these new skills?

Who do you need to connect with in order to learn, transform, and be able to go to the next level?

The next level awaits you and it may just be in the journey to the next level that you unleash a new potential, gain fulfillment, and find your zone.

See you on the next level!


If you would like to go to the next level in your career and business and want leadership coaching to enhance your experience and results, contact Jody at [email protected] to begin.



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