It’s that time of year again where we are brainstorming unique and special gift ideas for those we care about, but this year with the pandemic its different and so are we with what is important to us. This is the year so much changed and shifted for all of us as well as in us, around work, money, life, and health. We had a little more time to reflect which makes this year the perfect time to give the gift of an experience; one that will inspire, transform, and support your loved ones with their health and life goals by giving them health or life coaching for Christmas.

So what does gifting coaching for Christmas give someone and what will they experience and receive with this unique gift? First off, imagine for yourself right now what it would feel like to have your own personal coach and to achieve your health or life goals next year? Envision what it would be like to live the life you want, one you have created and led that aligns with who you are, the lifestyle you want, and one that brings you happiness. What would it be like for you to wake up and feel good in your body, to be energized, and have optimal health for peak performance? This is what it is like and what you or the person you gift coaching to will receive when they work with a coach.

It’s actually a perfect time for people to receive the gift of a coach because the New Year brings a lot of life reflection, new goals or aspirations, and career or other life leadership planning. In addition, we all know that it is not only Christmas this year that has us thinking of new health and fitness goals and routines, but also the quarantine that has left us moving less and eating more. Sometimes you just need a little motivation, accountability and support to raise the commitment and breakthrough obstacles and a health or life coach can give you exactly that.

Health and Life Coaching Gift Ideas and Gift Certificates

How do you give the gift of life and health coaching and are there specific coaching packages? You can completely customize the coaching package you want to give your spouse, family member or friend to align with their goals and your budget. Coaching gift certificates are available in any dollar amount starting at $100.00 or you may want to choose a unique health and life coaching package of which a few of them are highlighted below:

You could even customize a career, leadership, communication or confidence coaching gift package whether it is for a friend, family member, employee or team member. It can all be done digitally online and we are happy to speak with you about how you would like to customize the gift of coaching to personalize it exactly as you want. These are great gift ideas for the university or college student too.

Coaching is a Gift that Transforms People, Lives, and Health

There is a reason the most successful people in the world have multiple coaches. Gone are the days that only Olympians and top athletes receive coaching to perform at their peak. There is no price we can put on health, happiness, peace of mind, or the freedom to choose how we want to live and lead our lives. The personal and professional growth that comes with coaching produces a variety of results that range from career advancement, to an increase in pay, life alignment, clarity and life direction, improved health and wellbeing, and a depth of awareness that can transform leadership and relationships.

When you or someone you know experiences coaching, they will transform not just towards their personal health and life goals, but in how they feel about themselves, how they see and interact in the world, and how they think and act. Coaching is that impactful.

Health coaching may not be what you typically expect it to be on just exercise and nutrition behavior change; it is also for stress management, self care practices, energy management, peak performance, and mental and emotional wellbeing. Right now, we can all use a little support and coaching in all of those areas.

Help Someone or Give Yourself a Brand New Start to 2021 with Coaching

With 2020 coming to a close within weeks and a brand new year starting, there is an opportunity to lead yourself and your life forward intentionally with coaching. Whether you are thinking about giving coaching sessions as a gift or investing in them for yourself, I don’t believe there is anything that supports people in moving faster, more aware and aligned, or propelled into personal and professional growth greater than coaching. If Covid has shifted your perspective, changed your career or business, made you want to get into alignment, or challenged your health, as the clock strikes midnight on December 31, 2020, you not only get a new day, you get a whole new year to live and lead your best life and to feel great in body, mind, and mood.

There are a lot of experience Christmas gift ideas to choose from, but how many have the ability to transform your health and life and lead it to happiness like coaching will? Instead of an experience of a moment to be remembered or an external experience, coaching is an internal, personal experience that will give you a lifetime experience.

Are you ready to give the gift of coaching this Christmas?

If you are, and you would like to give someone life or health coaching, are interested in one of our special holiday season coaching packages listed above, or want to inquire about getting a life or health coach for yourself, email [email protected].

Happy Holidays everyone! Here’s to leading and living your best life in peak health for 2021.

Your leadership, health, and life coach,

Jody Kennett

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